Monday, August 9, 2010

Early Literacy During the Pre-School Years

As our children get ready to go back to school or daycare, it is a great time to freshen up on our "teaching" skills as parents.  Below are a few helpful tips on how you can make early literacy a priority (and more interesting!) for your little ones.

2-3 Year Olds:

  •  Read to your child everyday, even if it is only for a few minutes
  •  Encourage your child to bring you his/her favourite books so you can read them together
  •  Talk with your child throughout the day about what is happening
  •  Point to pictures and name them out loud
  •  Be patient when your child wants to read the same book many times
  •  Encourage your child to play with books (flip them from front to back, turn   pages)

4-5 Year Olds:
  •  Help your child hear words that rhyme (like cat and hat)
  •  Let your child choose the book s/he wants
  •  Help your child hear and say the first sound of a word (ball, bear)
  •  Point out signs and labels that have letters
  •  Ask “what?”, “where?”, and “how?” questions when reading
  •  Introduce new words
  •  Make connections from stories to things that happen in real life

Happy Reading!

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